Saturday, April 9, 2011

What I believe

I am a Mormon
I believe in what the Prophets have said.

Article 1
We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost.
            For all of those who don’t know what this means let me explain. We the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believe that God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost are three different and distinct beings. When the scriptures say things like, we are one, or, I and the Father are one, we believe it means they are one in purpose but not one as in one person.
            When we say the Eternal Father, we mean to say that God is the father of our spirits. He created our souls, thus he is our Father. When we say eternal we mean kind of like a circle of life. He has always been and always will be, just as we have been.
            We believe Jesus Christ is the literal Son of God. We don’t claim to know how the Virgin Mary became pregnant, however, He is God so if He can say to a mountain move and it is done, why not say be thou pregnant and it be done also.
            We also believe that God and Jesus Christ are living and not dead, and also they have bodies of flesh and blood just as we do. The reason we believe this is not solely but partially because Joseph Smith saw God the Father and Jesus Christ in his first vision. I believe Joseph Smith saw God because of his faith which he had been taught by his parents.
            We believe the Holy Ghost to be separate and distinct from God and Jesus Christ because they have said so through the mouth of their Holy Prophets.
            This is was we believe and other members can probably explain this better than I can, but this is what I know: 

That Heavenly Father is our father, not just my father or the father of Mormons, but the father of all people who have lived, live today and will yet live. I know Heavenly Father loves every single one of His Children. I know Jesus Christ suffered for all sins, died for us, and that He rose again and lives as we will live in the future. Christ overcame all things even death so that we can too. Everyone can live again and be born again through Christ. When I say born again, I don’t mean reincarnation, I mean to say that when we choose as individuals to change who we are and come unto Christ, we can make that change because Christ will be with us. And I am not just speaking to those who are “goody two shoes” I am speaking about every single person today. Anyone can come to Christ, and if they are sincere and Christ will know and so will God if the heart is sincere, and if they believe He can forgive their sins then He will. It only depends on us and our choices that either stop us or allow us to keep going.

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