Sunday, April 3, 2011

General Conference Afternoon April 3

General Conference Sunday Afternoon April 3
Conducting: Henry B Eyring
Choir: Mormon Tabernacle Choir, blue
Opening Song: I Saw a Mighty Angel Fly
Song: I am trying to be Like Jesus
Richard G Scott Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
Got married in the Teton temple
Marriage and the Family
“Dad, I love you, you are my best friend”
Don’t waste time with idle pursuits and get on with life.
If you want to have a wonderful wife you need her to see you as a wonderful priesthood leader.
If you are married, are you loyal to your spouse mentally as well as physically
Are you kind and supportive of your spouse and children?
Do you tell your wife often how very much you love her?
Express gratitude for what your spouse does for you.
Don’t withhold natural expressions of love; it works best when you hold her close
Give of yourself and never think of yourself, put others first and be willing to serve
As a mother you have divine instincts to know your children’s capabilities
Times of Happiness, Testing and Trial—the Lord will get you through it.
Seek an Eternal Companion
ETERNITY IS A LONG TIME, have faith in those promises and live worthy of them so that the Lord will be able to bring them to you, in your life.
Lead US TO SOMEONE we can Help
D Todd Christofferson Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
Be ye perfect even as I and your Father in heaven is perfect
It is not enough just to go through the motions
You need to become what your father needs you to become
God makes demands of those who follow Him
God changes our lives
He asks for commitment and our very lives, it traffics life and death not niceness
One attitude to adopt: Willingly to accept and even seek CORRECTION
For whom the Lord loveth He chasteneth.
He chastens us to persuade to repent, refine and sanctify us, and to redirect us to a better path.
Repentance leading to righteousness
His people must be tried in all things that they will be prepared to enter His kingdom
He tries their patience and faith
Hue B Brown cleaning his property and came across a current bush leaving only small stumps and he spoke to it, saying I am the gardener, and I know what I want you to be, I don’t intend you to be a fruit tree, I expect you to be a current bush and later you will say thank you gardener for making me a current bush.
Thank you Mr. Gardener, for cutting me down, and for loving me enough to cut me down.
The Lord might answer our questions with No
Correction can come through others
Perfecting of the Saints is to chasten them when the strand in need and only as God directs.
Correction can also come from one’s Spouse
Look directly at people when you are talking to them
Love them much more enough to cover the wound of which we inflicted
We should become self correcting
Analyze your own performance to find what you could do better and diligently try to apply the lessons thus learned
Deny yourself of all ungodliness
Submit to God’s chastening hand
Let us pray for his Love inspired correction
We CAN become one with God and Christ
Carol B Pratt of the Seventy
The Lord fulfills his promises to those who pay their tithing
When we obey commandments, we are blessed
Payment of tithing was not accountable to their monetary income—they paid the sum of which they felt they were indebted to the Lord
We are all indebted to the Lord, let us not be accused of robbing God, so pay your tithing and be honest and pay.
Pay tithing even when you need the money, pay the law it is what the lord expects. It is from the firstling of our income be it scarce or abounding. Do not delay the first fruits. Pay it as soon as you receive any income. Tithing is a manner of faith.
Let us show our faith in the Lord by paying an honest tithing
The Lord promises blessings but just because you pay money for your tithing it might not always come as money. We are promised to do well, and to make do.
He blesses us with living on 90% of our income instead of 100%
The payment of tithing is an excellent insurance against divorce
Tithe paying works in us a pure and charitable heart.
Regular tithe payers find their faith in Christ increased.
Congregational Song: Come Ye Children of the Lord
Lynn G Robbins of the Seventy
What manner of men ought ye to be? Verily I say, even as I am.
The Savior often called out those that did without to be is a hypocrite.
SO if we do good works without having good intentions for others is being a hypocrite
Do not be FALSE
Woe unto you because you pay tithe but you do not focus on faith, judgment and mercy
Do you have a to be list?
To do can be checked off, but to be is not an event it needs to be part of who I am.
When can I check my children off to be done? You don’t
Be begets Do, teaching them good principles will do more good than teaching them about good principles.
Discipline implies patience, teaching, love never anger; it comes from the same root word as Disciple.
Through Discipline the child learns lessons, ask the child what they learned through this experience, then you have the opportunity to be in tune with the spirit and both of you will grow.
A sweet and obedient child will only be parenting 101, if you have a tough child you will get the lesson of parenting 505.
With which child will your patience, love, and development grow and be refined.
How much do you need the child as the child needs you.
Never let failure become an identity of self instead of an action.
Disappointing behavior is (an act not identity) only for a short time, not lasting.
Praise characters not the do
Compliment the being and not the doing
Praise for diligence and to turn in all your homework, not just praise for getting an A in class
Teach attributes from the gospel
To teach to be is to be
Be the example.
Benjamin De Hoyos of the Seventy
I have been one of the stakes of Zion
We are called to be Saints
Become Saints to the degree of feeling Charity, the pure love of God
Move Forward with Patience
“Come unto the Lord, the Holy One, remember His paths of righteous, His ways are narrow” from Jacob.
It doesn’t matter the circumstances and the challenges that surround us, The lord God and Jesus Christ will be the power that uphold us as we move forward.
“Let not your heart be troubled, neither be afraid”
If we place our confidence in the Lord, we will be sustained through all trials not exempt
C Scott Grow of the Seventy
His brother after 30 years of righteousness he spent 10 years of wickedness then came back to the church and became sealed again in the temple and served faithfully Monday March 7.
The miracle of the Atonement
He who repents of his sins, he will confess them and forsake them
Christ appeased the demands of justice
Through his Atonement and death culminated with the resurrection takes away justice if we will repent.
Hr bled from every pore and he took on their infirmities, their sorrows, anguish of sin and more. He has borne our grieves and bourn our sorrows. He also felt the innocent who suffered by the sins of others, he felt guilt. Our sins are remitted through Christ.
Repent least you suffer, you know not how terrible the suffering is.
Have you made mistakes of which you need to repent?
Repent and forsake your sins, then ask forgiveness. Forgive those who wronged you, Ask forgiveness from those you wronged, forgive yourself.
We have agency to sin and repent and to be born again, choose Christ and the light of life that is offered to each of us.
Will ye not now repent and return unto me?
Jeffrey R Holland Quorum of the Twelve
On Ensign Peak, the Great Salt Lake valley and the surrounding Mountains as the prophesied place to be an ensign to the world
Lo, Zion’s standard is unfurled.
It is not happenstance that the Magazine is titled the Ensign
Reflect in the days ahead on the unique phenomenon that General Conference is
We testify to every person that God lives and that He speaks, for our time and in our day. The counsel we have been hearing is that of the spirit and of the will of the Lord, the voice of the Lord and the power unto Salvation.
Those who speak on the pulpit at general conference are angels with angelic messages that have consecrated their lives to preach the Lord’s word
We speak to those we know well and those we do not know.
We speak to young children, middle age, single, old, very close to home and those far from home.
Say nothing but repentance to this age, to bind up the broken hearted.
There is the assumption that there is something in these talks for all of those
Comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable
He who is angry at his brother is in danger of the judgment
The Lord is always calling us to another higher level and He calls us forever to be better until we will be perfect.
The church is not a fast food outlet, we cannot have it our way.
Salvation can only come in the Lord’s way.
If you are doing the best you can, then give yourself high marks.
Look for self improvement but not by self degradation.
If we teach by the spirit and you listen by the spirit then someone in the conference will send an epistle just to you.
One way or another God will have His voice heard.
Testimony of love and of warning, just as nature testifies of love and of warning.
The lives of prophets are not easy.
President Monson has been given by his family for more than 50 years to the world.
And he stays cheerful through it all. Unusual stamina and remarkable faith.
Your devotion is an example to us all.
We will stand with you - shoulder to shoulder and we will lighten your load in any way we can. WE can do this by doing our callings. We will try our hardest.
Thomas S Monson President – The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Read and study the messages in the Ensign and Liahona
We face many challenges of the day, but Heavenly Father is aware of us and will help us as we strive to follow His commandments.
Reach out to others of other faiths and of our own
Be examples of Honesty and Integrity for whatever we do and wherever we go.
Be grateful for His atoning sacrifice.
At the last moment He could have turned back, but He did not. He passed all things, and surpassed them, and saved us all by teaching us how to live and to die. He secured our Salvation.
Song: More Holiness Give me

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