Sunday, October 2, 2011

General Conference Sunday Morning

General Conference October 2011
Sunday Morning
Conducting: Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Music: Tabernacle Choir
Song: Lead me into Life Eternal
Song: Guide Us O, Thou Great Jehovah
Song: Consider the Living
President Henry B. Eyring
Charitable, Witnesses of God, Endure are the 3 Promises we make when becoming a saint.
Continual progress, and as you serve others for Him and as you progress in your striving to be like Him, He will bless you.
The Book of Mormon will improve our character as we read about the valiant testimonies of the prophets and members from the ancient times. As I try to be like them I will become a better version of myself.
Follow the strength and courage of others that have passed on before us. Follow the example of the believers.
The Book of Mormon is able to change men: Full Conversion, Build Faith, Draw Closer to God, Change a life for better
Drink deeply and often from the BOM’s pages.
Robert D. Hales
The Purpose of our life is to grow and to progress.
Tests and Trials are given to all of us. The rain falls on the just and  unjust.
All of us at some point will have cause to call and ask O God wehre art thou?
Blessings can be saved until the spirit World, in fact some of our blessings may be for that time. We do not know when these things will come, all we know is that they will come because God has said it.
He that watches over us is neither blind or asleep.
Press Forward with Faith
Tad R Callister
There is no middle ground with the Book of Mormon. It is of God or it is of the Devil. It is either full of truth as it says or it is all a big fraud.
Come unto Christ and be like Him.
“the Devil must not have written, it is of God”
If every church interpreted the scriptures in the Bible the same, they would all be of the same church.
The Book of Mormon is a second witness, it is an additional witness and not the only one, we believe in the bible as well.
There is only one line that you can draw between the Book of Mormon and the Holy Bible. But if you take just the Bible or the book of Mormon by themselves there would be many interpretations of them but only together can one receive the correct interpretation.
Many people believe that revelation ended with the Holy Bible when the Bible is a testimony of continual revelation from God over 4000 years.
Together with the Bible the Book of Mormon will bring us to one faith, one God and one baptism.
Congregational Song: We Thank Thee O God for a Prophet
Elaine S. Dalton
The most important way to raise your daughter in this world is to love her mother and respect her and show your wife she is special in all your actions.
Do not let the role fo fatherhood and patriarch be diminished or feel as if it is not as wonderful or glorious as motherhood.
Fathers, help the Daughters of God to bring the world back to virtue.
Your personal virtue will model for your children what true love is.
Your testimony has a powerful influence on your children and the base for their own thoughts and beliefs in this church until they have the strength to make their own.
Become a man of perfect faith in Christ.; be loyal to the royal within you.
M. Russell Ballard
The importance of a name.
A name distinguishes the one from the others.
We renew taking upon the name of Christ each Sunday as we take the sacrament. We should not take this for granted or think it insignificant. His name is the only name under heaven that man may be saved.
Taking on us the name of Christ also lets others know whom we follow.
We follow him by being saints and disciples. Nicknames are a distinction for our religion.
Continue to give use of our full name and not refer to ourselves as the Mormon church. We are the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Use the full name of our church whenever possible. It is the name that the Lord himself has given us and our religion that He wishes for us to be called.
Proclaim the name of the Savior throughout the world, and use our name whenever possible.
Song: I’ll Go Where You Want Me To Go
President Thomas S. Monson
“We Love Ya, Bob!”
The 10 Commandments became the 10 Creative Suggestions
Morality is not passé, and Conscience is not for just wimps, and we are responsible for our actions.
Our beliefs are definitive and non-negotiable.
Christ is an anchor that we can hold fast to and be safe least we be swept away into uncharted waters.
There is nothing that can bring to our lives such joy and love than the Spirit.
Watch and pray always least you are led away into temptation.
Ask that which is right, believing you shall receive and you ask for it will be given to you.
We need to have guidance from our father, because there is no way we will know which way to go unless He shows us the right way.
Trust your Father and follow what he says.
The importance to be able to receive inspiration and be able to follow it.
Communication to our Father in Heaven is through prayers, and is needful for us to make it through the storms of life.
Draw near unto Him and He will draw near unto you. As you do so you will feel His spirit in your lives.
Stand in Holy places and be not moved.
To those who trust in Him, fear not for He is with us. Be not dismayed for He is our God, and will uphold us.
Song: I Believe in Christ

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